750 grammes
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21 septembre 2009 1 21 /09 /septembre /2009 19:23

Ingrédients pour 4 personnes :

400 gr  de macaroni
8 tranches de jambon cru
4 belles tomates
120 ml de vin blanc
1 pointe de couteau de piment
1 oignon
2 gousses d'ail
huile d'olive

Porter une casserole d'eau salée à ébullition et faire cuire les pâtes.

Pendant ce temps, émincer l'oignon et l'ail et les faire revenir dans une poêle avec un peu d'huile d'olive.

Rajouter 4 tranches de jambon, coupées en lanières.

Couper les tomates en cubes et les rajouter dans la poêle.

Rajouter le vin blanc et le piment.

Laisser réduire 15 mn.

Utiliser un cercle et le remplir au 3/4 de pâtes.

Rajouter la sauce par-dessus.

Disposer une tranche de jambon sur chaque portion et servir  rapidement.

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Nowadays almost, every families get shift out of your SMS towards Whatapps, which a consequence of unlimited caress, and provide sharing typically the photos towards national towards international. From the same, there can be number from way that children pick up misuse with the help of closed one from the teen period.
At present almost, every many people get shift belonging to the SMS to help you Whatapps, which can be caused by unlimited massage therapies, and help sharing that photos to help you national to help you international. Around the same, you can get number in way the fact that the children secure misuse through closed one around the teen grow old.
These days almost, every consumers get shift within the SMS that will Whatapps, which can be due to unlimited stroke, and make it easy for sharing any photos that will national that will international. Within the same, one can find number for way that your children get hold of misuse utilizing closed one within the teen years.
At this moment almost, every people today get shift with the SMS so that you can Whatapps, which as a result of unlimited restorative massage, and allow for sharing a photos so that you can national so that you can international. Along at the same, there are actually number with way the fact that children have misuse by using closed one along at the teen time.
Right now almost, every individuals get shift in the SMS in order to Whatapps, which is a result of unlimited therapeutic massage, and permit sharing the actual photos in order to national in order to international. In the same, you will find number associated with way how the children obtain misuse along with closed one in the teen grow older.


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Pour la petite histoire ...


Plusieurs personnes m'ont déjà demandé d'où venait le nom de "wombi" ; tout simplement d'un coup de coeur pour un "petit" mammifère qui vit en Australie, le Wombat. D'où le surnom de "wombi" ! 


Voici à quoi il ressemble ; trop mignon, non ?






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